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Membership Renewal 

Membership Renewal 


Dear All,We hope you are well and are looking forward to the start of the Polo Season. The sun is shining and we are now only 5 days away until our discounted renewal rate expires. We would like to encourage you to visit our membership pages by clicking on the logo above to secure your discounted 2018 membership fee. We look forward to welcoming you back to Cirencester Park Polo Club soon. Best wishes, The Polo Office 
Tel: 01285 653225Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: www.cirencesterpolo.co.ukunsubscribe from this list    update subscription preferences 
Copyright © 2018 Cirencester Park Polo Club, All rights reserved.You are receiving this email as a previous customer who opted in or because you opted in at our website.Our mailing address is:
Cirencester Park Polo Club
The Polo Office
Cirencester Park Polo Club
Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 1UR
United Kingdom
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